Thursday, April 19, 2012

Paris in Mid October?

Hi Everyone - I love this site - I%26#39;m getting very excited my Europe trip this fall. I want to spend at least 3 days in Paris around the middle of October - is this an ok time to go i.e. weather, crowds, prices, hotel availability etc. Thanks!


caabroad, I think it is a great time and I plan to spend the whole month of October in Paris to prove it!! Weather is nice, not too cold or hot and you should be able to go without air conditioning (which many of the hotels and also apartments don%26#39;t have). The crowds and hotel availability is moderate as it is a popular season actually. It is not as bad as summer, but I would book your hotel now to get the best choice. Prices do go down at many hotels on Nov. 1, (and sometimes airfare too) so if you want the best pricing, you may want to wait a month. But, I have opted to take October weather and pay a little more myself as I love to eat outside!!


October in Paris...

It%26#39;s a great time to be there. Not as many tourists as the previous four or five months, so shorter lines. Weather can be wonderful - sunny and with still just enough warmth to sit on a cafe terrace and soak it up, if you can beat the Parisians to the best spots that is. There%26#39;s a kind of melancholic feeling to the parks and gardens as autumn settles in, but it%26#39;s a good melancholic feeling.

If it%26#39;s chilly or damp as it can be, you don%26#39;t feel that you%26#39;re depriving yourself of strolling in the sun, so it%26#39;s perfect museum weather.

And the menu at Au Petit Marguery features game and wild mushrooms. There is no better place to eat in Paris - or perhaps anywhere else - in the autumn, IMO...



I have spent 5 years worth of September-October

in Paris and for me it is the best time

weatherwise and crowd wise. Hotel availability

has been good and the prices more reasonable.


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