Does anyone have any information on Le Refuge Hotel, Tignes?
I am going on my first skiing holiday in December. I am heading to Tignes. I would be most grateful for information of what I need to buy and what I can rent/hire in Tignes for the purposes of a first time skier.
Meanwhile, I am flying from London to St.Etienne. Any suggestions on getting to Tignes for St. Etienne?
I am sure you%26#39;ll enjoy your stay in Tignes. It was the destination for my first ski trip as well and I continue to go back to ski and snowshoe and have also enjoyed summer hiking.
I stayed at Le Refuge a couple of summers ago and at that time the recent upgrades were not completed. Based on the central location, past experience and the recent upgrades described on their website, I would not hesitate to stay there. In addition, the attached restaurant, L%26#39;Escale Blanche is excellent.
I don%26#39;t think there is anything you%26#39;ll need to ski that you can%26#39;t find in Tignes. I%26#39;ve had no problem renting beginner equipment. I%26#39;ve done ski shop rentals (for nearby options try and and this past season rented from V. Montana%26#39;s onsite rental office. I travel equipped with coats, gloves, etc., but there is plenty of that to buy if you need it, however, the prices may be %26quot;resort prices%26quot;. If you are interested in lessons, there are several ski schools, I like ESF (, you can book online in advance.
I%26#39;ve not flown the same route, however, it looks like there are simple train connections that will get you to Bourg St. Maurice (~4 hours per the timetable information I found on Once in Bourg, there are bus and taxi options to take you up the mountain to Tignes; I%26#39;ve done both, just depends on cost/speed preferences. If you haven%26#39;t already done so, check out for tons of resort information. If you access the English pages, go to %26quot;The Resort%26quot; then %26quot;How to get here%26quot; for links to transit information. One nice thing about the taxi option, you can get the driver%26#39;s number then contact for your return trip (saves on having to rely on the bus schedules). If you take the bus, you%26#39;ll be dropped off on the backside of Maison de Tignes, Le Refuge is just on the other side of the street/front side of the building.
I hope this information is useful.
Hi, i worked in Tignes last year. In the MarkWarner hotel, just up the road from Le Refuge. The hotel was getting the finishing touches done to it last season and i had a friend who stayed there. Its a marvellous location and l%26#39;escale blanche restaurant is very good with a pianist and reasonably priced and great service. Equally as good L%26#39;arbina across the road. If you want some apres ski, head down to Le loop, out of the hotel doors and turn left straight down. And for some evening nightlife, try the alpaka. Its up the hill behind your hotel.Past l%26#39;aiguille percee hotel (where i worked!) Very ski resort, log fires, good beer and an oversized dog!! Although bewarned, does get very busy on occasions, particularly sundays!!For ski hire,there are lots of places to hire out all sorts. Intersport across the piste and vallon blanc shop and snofun down to the left. All competitive prices.I would recommend to take your own basic kit with you, ie gloves, goggles/glasses, jackets and sallopetes. You can buy them in Tignes but they do come at resort prices.Evolution ski school is very good for ski lessons and other activities including paragliding, huskey rides, horse treks etc etc. They are based just past intersport, which you will see from your hotel.Go up the hill to the right and you%26#39;ll find evo2%26#39;s shop. They also do ski hire.You%26#39;ll have a fabulous time in Tignes. make sure you go over to Val D%26#39;isere and ski le solaise, as well as heading up the palafour lift and up to l%26#39;aiguille percee, although be warned, its a rather vicious red coming down.Be prepared that Tignes is not as %26#39;pretty%26#39; as other resorts but rest assured you%26#39;ll have a fabulous time. I love the place and am going back myself this year.Have a fabulous time!p.s: for st.etienne to tignes you need to train to Bourg St maurice although be warned the trains journeys are long!!From Bourg, theres a bus to Val d%26#39;isere that goes via Tignes. THe bus company is called autocars martin.. they have a site on the internet with times. Its about 11euros one way and tickets must be bought in advance and be warned that the offices arent open on sunday to buy the tickets. You purchase tickets from the downstairs of the maison de tignes. Your hotel is up the metal steps by the car park and to the left on your cant miss it.
Many thanks, Arahaj and secnarf. I couldn%26#39;t have asked for better quality of information....much appreciated!!
How was your stay at the refuge? I%26#39;ll be staying there in a family suite with my three kids next month. Any good restaurants, etc? I%26#39;ve skied there, but was staying in Vald%26#39;isere.
For information on Tignes, check out - it has tons of info for a load of resorts. Or you can buy one of their guidebooks to take with you on holiday!
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