I%26#39;m off to Paris Disney in June with a family of 3 adults, 2 kids and 1 baby. We are thinking of staying either in My Explorer%26#39;s or in Davy Crockett Ranch? Which is nearer to the park and what%26#39;s the pros and cons of each hotel? Is there no BF provided at the Ranch? No character meet and greet in either of them? Would appreciate some comments on these 2 hotels. From experience, is it better to book 2 rooms in say, Santa Fe hotel? Thanks
There doesn%26#39;t tend to be a whole lot of Disneyland Paris information much beyond transportation between airports and central Paris--available here at this particular forum. DLP tends to be a whole %26#39;..subset..%26#39; of information. You may get better and more specifically directed responses by trying your questions at more Disney-specific sites such as--
kdsail is right the dis forums are great. I%26#39;ll give you the info I know since I%26#39;ve been there. This is the delima, to stay on property or not. I stayed at the explorers because it was so much cheaper and was pleasantly suprised. Its a very above average hotel, and the shuttle was excellent to and from the parks. I think you miss out on characters and breakfasts but another thing is has an amazing pool. I think Davey Crockett is out because you need a car. I saw sante fe and the other basic property at disney and it looked kind of sad. First of all no pool. second it seemed dreary. On the other hand I had dinner at Newport beach (i think its called) it was beautiful in a class by itself. I think you have to carefully review the options and decide whats important to you. Some disney hotels are right next to the park and this is nice. I think the lower end hotels may be a little dreary but didn%26#39;t see inside. The upper end hotels seem terrific but then theres the price. I would try to find some candid photos and see if you can get a feel for the differences.
Thanks for your replies. I%26#39;ll check out the site you mentioned. I%26#39;m not too keen on a pool cuz we%26#39;ll only be there for 2D1N. So the hotel is really more of a place to sleep only. But thanks anyway...
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