NO, this is not a negative report... We love Paris and had a great time...
I am happy to be home in Alabama where I can have Bisquits and Gravey at Hardees with all of the free coffee refills that I want... I am happy to be home where I can buy and drink Dr. Pepper... Yea!
Our trip was great and it was our forth trip to Paris in 20 years... We were there 8 days and did not see a single museam but walked the town.... We just love Paris.. it is that simple... We love the French people... The student protest were never a problem and the students seemed to be having fun... The police look very serious and not to be taken lightly...
Had Crepes twice a day for meals and between meals.. Stayed on Rue Cler... loved the street and Hotel Leveque is OK... Everyone at the hotel was super.... We also stayed at the Residence Hotel Les Halles for two days and the Hotel Clerk was super... Her name is Marianella and she was our best friend in Paris... Our next trip now will be to France... We want to see more of that country...
There you go... Sweet home Alabama!
For your next visit I%26#39;d recommend a real splurge into french tradition and go to the Côte d%26#39;Azur in august! ;)
I never have understood how anyone can drink Dr. Pepper, but crepes twice a day sounds great. Glad you had a good time. 2 months and 14 days and counting.
That was positively wicked! Kasthor LOL lol LOL lol!
I just can%26#39;t ... no must not.... must not reply.. cannot make comment i want to make... must stop no , dont reply, i give. You were jonesing for Dr. Pepper and Hardees after only 8 days??
I%26#39;ve actually seen Dr Pepper as an import item here. Couldnt you find a substitute, like Orangina for example? Or Volvic Tea Verte Mente yum. As far as sitting in Hardees in Alabama sucking down the sock juice well enough said on that.
I guess these are all safe comfort items for you which is really what you are refering to? The comfort of home?
There are many tasty things to eat in France other than crepes.
Dr. Pepper is a nasty soda, but does make for nice basting liquid when baking ham.
Howdy Traveler 1957!!
Sounds like you had a great time! Sounds like alot of Parisians don%26#39;t appreciate Dr. Pepper, eh! :-) I guess it is an aquired taste! If there were talking about Moxie, I%26#39;d understand! teehee!
Did you really only eat crepes?
Traveler1957, I completely understand you. I like Paris too but I missed my local stuff, every time my bf and I saw a Mcds or Pizza Hut or Starbucks, we would just smile.
Beside creptes, you have brain, liver, escargot, raw oysters and other delicacies.
For me, one of the many good things about going to Paris a few weeks ago was that I gave up drinking Coke. Before my vacation, I was drinking at least one or two 20 oz bottles a day (yes, it%26#39;s an addiction). In Paris, I was too embarassed to order Coke and be branded an American tourist. The only exception was when I was near the Eiffel Tower and surrounded by Americans anyway. So I had one Coke the entire week. I%26#39;m not sure why I didn%26#39;t go into absolute withdrawal, maybe the drop in stress level helped. Since I got back, I%26#39;ve been drinking one Coke a week, rather than one or two a day.
I have to say, I miss French cheese and baguettes a lot more than I miss drinking Coke!
media: this is funny, the french drink as much coke as you do, don%26#39;t worry about what people will think, but please worry about your health.
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