Hi folks
Looking for a bit of advice re the most romantic spots in Paris. I am taking my girlfriend on a surprise trip in May and am going to pop the question. I was just wondering where are considered some of the most romantic spots.
Thanks for any advice
I%26#39;m just back from Paris with my long term partner, no marriage in sight but that%26#39;s ok with me! If I were you I%26#39;d bring her up the Rue d%26#39;Universitie, its like a back way to Eiffel Tower and there%26#39;s one street that brings you behind the Tour, it%26#39;s boom and you%26#39;re there, I%26#39;ll ask himself tomorrow its name, he%26#39;s in bed now. But for me if he%26#39;d proposed to me there I%26#39;d have been crying cos it was a very romantic spot. If all else fails try at the Vermeers at the Louvre! That spot is my fave romantic spot of all time! Or you could try any very French bistro, that will impress any girl! Hope I%26#39;ve helped
Thanks mmmtravel, did yuo have any joy asking your partner?
All tips are welcome here ... I%26#39;ll be doing the same thing in April ... (oh my God, that%26#39;s in like ... 2 weeks!).
Perhaps proposing in Paris is not an original thing to do, but hey, it beats doing it in our back yard ;-)
I think I%26#39;m gonna ask her at night, after having enjoyed a good meal, and looking at the light show of the eifel tower, somewhere at a quiet spot ...
Here is a wild idea. Take her on a Fat tyre Bike Tour... ice creams near Notre Dame.. ride thr the Lourve courtyard then end up on a seine river cruise past the tower - we had the lights on the night we went. It was fantastic fun. She would not expect it.
If you want the Eiffel Tower as the background, just go to the %26quot;back side%26#39; of the Eiffel tower, the side by the Ecole Militaire, away from the Trocadero and all the crowds. There is never anyone over there especially at night. You have the whole lawn, no people, the sparkly tower.
Get there so that you can %26quot;pop the question%26quot; when the tower (or just before) sparkles...which is on the hour for 10 minutes.
A really beautiful spot in Paris is the Pont des Arts, a wooden pedestrian bridge linking the Left Bank with the Louvre. It has fabulous views. Only problem, it can be crowded with people and their picnics, guitars, etc. I%26#39;d go early in the day.
Another good spot would be just about anywhere down on the river banks. There are benches down there, it%26#39;s really quiet and nice.
And finally, the Place Dauphine, which is a beautiful and quiet square at the tip of the Ile de la Cite. Lots of benches there as well.
honestly, guys? I%26#39;m guessing for darn near any girl, just being proposed to by the man she loves IN PARIS would be plenty romantic just about anywhere - on one of the bridges, in a quiet courtyard, in front of Notre Dame, watching the tower sparkle on the hour or even the traditional %26quot;ring with the dessert at the fancy restaurant.%26quot; So don%26#39;t make yourselves nuts, just pick a moment when you feel like your heart will simply burst if you don%26#39;t ask and take the leap. :)
p.s. so nice to know there are still romantic fellas in the world. [yes, Bob Sacamomo, I%26#39;m sappy that way :D ]
In the church Sainte-Étienne-du-Mont just behind the Panthéon. It%26#39;s so beautiful, filled with a soft light and has a really mystic and romantic atmosphere. And it houses the remains of the patron saint of Paris Sainte Génevieve.
In the Place des Vosges - the most beautiful square in the world - lie with her on the lawn in the sun, listen to the children laughing, mayby there is some jewish folkmusic playing nearby, the splashing of water in the fountain, pigeons cooing......
Thanks for the tips everybody!
Quoting Les :
%26quot;If you want the Eiffel Tower as the background, just go to the %26quot;back side%26#39; of the Eiffel tower, the side by the Ecole Militaire, away from the Trocadero and all the crowds. There is never anyone over there especially at night. You have the whole lawn, no people, the sparkly tower. %26quot;
Les, this sounds about right, but it also sounds a little dangerous: at night, no one around ... : isn%26#39;t there a danger for muggers etc. ?
JustGrace :
Thank you. I must admit that%26#39;s assuring. Ofcourse I don%26#39;t want to plan the proposal too much. I%26#39;ll do it whenever the moment is right. But I just want it to be perfect. Something to remember forever!
And I can%26#39;t deny ... I%26#39;m a bit of a romantic ... :)
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