Monday, April 16, 2012

Lingerie Shopping Advice Please-Need Larger sizes

We will be in Paris to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary and I would really like to buy a really special nightgown and pegnoir or robe in either silk or cotton. No synthetic fibers. Problem is I wear either a U.S. 14 or 16 depending on style and I have been told that it is almost impossible to find things over U.S. size 12. I can buy something here biut would really love to have something classy and French as a momento. Husband says he would like that too! can anyone suggest shops? Thanks.


Hi Mrs Holger

We have been dicussing clothes sizes for us grown up girls before.

Maybe you%26#39;ll find something useful here. I cannot remember if they had lingerie at Ulla Popken%26#39;s but if not, then they will surely know where you can get it.

If you ever come to Copenhagen with your husband, I shall be happy to give you adresses for lingerie shops that sell really beautiful underwear in larger sizes (not cheap though - a good, well-fitting bra is about 100-125 euros, but then you can be sure that is fits perfectly: cups fit like they were sprayed on your breasts, no straps chafing on your shoulders)…


Larger sized lingerie is very hard to find in Paris. The C%26amp;A store in Paris carries some larger sizes, but most of it is synthetics, I have never seen any silks sold there. You can probably find a bra and panty set in those sizes but I am not sure about a nightgown. I have had good luck at Printemps in their lingerie department. Their sales people are nice and if you tell them what size you are looking for, they will show you what they carry. I am a larger size too (and also very tall) and I have had the best luck there. Bear in mind also that you will pay a lot of money being that the dollar is weak against the euro. Also remember that many french brands are sold stateside so you may not be saving much and the selection there may be smaller.


Thanks GitteK and Mascara,

I will visit Ulla Popken and also check out the website mentioned. I wear either a 14 or 16 here and depending on cut may wear regulars or plus sizes. Guess I will get a nightgown and robe here. Bras are OK here but have also got some gorgeous ones in Toronto in large sizes that I will take.

Gitte, will take you up on shops before next trip to Copenhagen, probably in a year.

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