Does anyone know if my favourite department has reopened. I will be visiting Paris in August and once again wish to see the great view from the Restaurant de la Terrasse.
I believe the store has been closed for %26quot;security%26quot;
Closed indefinitely for structural issues affecting safety.
There has been much speculation - some on this forum - regarding its future. One suggestion is that it might become a luxury hotel. I certainly hope they can save the building in any case.
But for now you will have to find another place from which to enjoy the view.
Georges in the Pompidou, perhaps?
The view from the steps of Sacre Coeur is
pretty spectacular !
True enough, Randy, but as a photographer you will understand the importance of point of view. To me, it was the fact that La Samaritaine was almost in the historic heart of Paris that made the view so special.
I have the same feeling about the view from Brunelleschi%26#39;s dome in Florence. It is an amazing feeling to look down on the rooftops and streets of the city that Dante and Michelangelo and so many others knew.
To see Florence from the hills of Fiesole is also impressive, but it changes the context.
As you said IrishRovr, we all have our
point of view.
Although the rooftop view of Sanmartine is
gone, photographing from Sacre Coeur with
a long lens and great depth of field can
result in a striking photograph.
Once again, welcome back; the forum is a
better place with you here.
Thank you, Randy. You are most gracious, something that characterizes your always interesting contributions here.
A good central location for a view, better than Sacré Coeur in my opinion as you see better the monuments is the Centre Pompidou, you see a lot from up there
That%26#39;s two votes for the Pompidou! Keep %26#39;em coming, folks!
Then there are some great photographs
to be taken from the top of the Arc de
Triomphe and the Montparnsse Building.
I went to the top of the tour montparnasse just the other day. Was great as there was no line and only about 10 people up top so easy to get great views.
It is closed and will not reopen any time soon or may be never
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