What would be the quickest way to travel from London to Lyon/Roanne (?) to Anzy le duc? I%26#39;ve missed out on reasonable fares to Paris (from NYC) and am planning to fly to London instead. Any suggestions and approximate costs would be highly appreciated. Where would I access info re: schedules, stations,connections, etc. Thank you so much.
Hi again -
If you haven%26#39;t already booked your London flight, you might want to hold off.
Last minute London-Lyon fares appear to be running about 240€ one way. I just ran a very quick check.
Let me aee if I can find anything that makes more sense by doing another search.
I%26#39;ll get back to you ASAP.
PS: You could start by looking on www.voyages-sncf.com
If you are having problems use Londres not London for your departure and it%26#39;s Ancy le Duc, not Anzy le Duc I think.
Absolute best I can find is 110UKP round trip from Londin to Lille Europe on www.eurostar.com and 155€ round-trip from Lille Europe to Lyon. I used April 20 as your outbound date and April 23 as your return. Train from London leaves 12:40. On the return trip train to Lille leaves Lyon at 09:22 and you would get to London at 14:27
Lille-Lyon RT fares are from www.voyages-sncf.com
Total in USD is approx $385.
It is clear that there are very few seats left on these trains, so if you want them at this price you might have to move fast.
The Lyon to Ancy le Duc part is causing a problem. I think there may not be a station there.
I%26#39;ll get back to you.
Last post from me.
First, you are right. It is AnZy le Duc. I was thinking of another place entirely.
Second it is about 100km NW of Lyon, and, as far as I can tell has no station.
Third, the nearest station (possibly) is Paray le Monial about 20km away.
Fourth trains to Paray on a weekday are not frequent and getting from Paray to Lille on a Sunday seems to be well-nigh impossible.
What you actually need to do is search voyages-sncf for trains between Lille Europe and Paray.
If you haven%26#39;t completely given up on this idea, you might want to (1) get to Liile - or even Lyon - and rent a car or (2) fly to Paris and rent a car.
I don%26#39;t think I can give you any better info than I already have.
Good luck!
Thank you so much for taking the time to research solutions for my dilemma.
I love the contacts available on this website. Perhaps I%26#39;ll make the happy couple%26#39;s first anniversary instead.
You%26#39;re most welcome! Sorry you couldn%26#39;t make the wedding though.
Still you%26#39;ve got plenty of time now to plan a GREAT trip for this time next year.
Ah, Paris in the spring. Burgundy. The food. The wine...
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